Saturday, June 19, 2010

Broken Machine

I am very glad that everything goes pretty well so far. Thank God the black cloud that I experienced ealier this semester did not follow me around. Like the idiom said, every cloud has it silver lining. Lucky me, I'm having the silver time of my life right now. I just love how everything were in place.

As I'm far from home right now, the closest person to me is my friend, or should I say FRIENDS. I am so thankful that nothing goes wrong with my friendship with anyone. Things are quite different but did not leave a major impact yet or maybe never. With a little change here and there, everything went right. I still have the same roomies, Elfira and Zuzue who always keeping up with my clingy attitude. The GELI members that I love. The PL2Cee's that I'm f-ing adore. Plus, others Pre-Lawrians too, including PL2A's, PL2B's and other parts.

One more thing, I am so glad that I'm free from any lovey dovey lalala feelings right now. Oh my god! This feeling is awesome.

But still, I hell yeah miss my family and my friends in Kuantan. Wait till July and I'll be home for mid sem. Gonna catch up with you guys later hommies :)

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