Saturday, February 27, 2010

hari yang kosong

saya rindu mak.saya rindu ayah.saya rindu family.
saya tak sabar nak tunggu diorang datang sini.
nak peluk mak and ayah puas-puas.
nak cium2 mak.nak cubit2 pipi ayah yang tembam.haha

sebab entry before this.ala yg psl novel and watsoeva tu.
Muhammad Faiz Abdullah dengan bangga dan jayanya pergi buat fairytale dari post tu.
adoy la.tapaham aku.tau la baru balik dari some sort of english carnival kat KEPAM Beranang
*ops2.sory.KPM Beranang.betul ke aku eja?tibai la ek*
tau la kau berlakon jadi para-para.tapi jgn la jadikan hidup aku fairytale pakcik oii
dah tu siap ending dengan they live happily ever after lagi tuh.
memang takley bla.LOL

pastu Hamdan plak main mintak2 maaf kat facebook.memang emosi habis la aku.
takut jugak bila budak sorang ni cakap dia rasa lain macam.ish.kau jangan Hamdan.
kau kan library partner jangan tinggalkan aku terkapai-kapai kat library sorang2.ok?

then ym ngan Encik Innocent.adoy la.aku borak serius.dia main2.suka sangat ngan siti nurhaliza dia tu.encik.siti dah kawin ok.terima lah hakikat.
dah tu.suka sangat gelak.habit btol.
geram aku rasa.
dah tu aku merajuk buat dunno je kau kan.
sampai hati.haha.
*semoga aku tak brjangkit sawan gelak encik innocent* more thing.
good news.
Sabs dah ade Drama Club sekarang.its no more under english society.
glad to know this.
plus others society also lend their help to the Drama Club as its still new. guys should appreciate 2008.we don't have all this.we did our own props.we depends on english society and we use the money that we won during district level to do a lot of things in order to improvise the that sabs have its own Drama Club, i believe things will be slightly easier. and yeah, we struggle a lot to reach national level. too many obstacles and please try your best to maintain our reputation and never take Drama Club for granted.

hope that there will be some holidays in July cause Jaya is coming back to Malaysia by that time.but only for a month break.hoping that we can visit Sabs together.along with other team mates

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