Monday, April 5, 2010


everytime I did essay on why i love blogging and social networking so much,
one of the point will be because it helps me a lot in stay connected with my friends
keep myself update with their current happenings
reconnected with primary school friends
let them know whats happening to me
and a lots more

however, now I'm thinking of staying away from internet
atleast for sometimes
but I just can't make my decision yet.
too many people has deactivate their facebook and everything
so should I follow their step or what?

I do have reasons to keep myself away from onlining

because I start to addicted to it
sedikit pelik ya
sebab internet bukanlah benda baru dalam hidup saya
dari sekolah rendah lagi dah berjinak-jinak dengan internet

because I don't want to be a stalker
sangat tak best
bukak page orang tu
click sana click sini
selidik latar belakang orang tu
wtf with all that

sebab saya ingin melalui frasa proses penyucian hati

tapi tak pasti lagi sama ada this plan akan diteruskan or not
just wait and see
I will inform certain people before i go invincible


hmdnzr said...

we like this plan!

Unknown said...

nice. u shall have my full support then. FB is only a propaganda by the jews. :p
way to go nisah. tapi kau dah reveal who you are actually. bahaya tau posting macam kau nih. ecehh. macam power je aku. haha.

Nur Hanisah said...

hamdan: malam ni ek.haha

ili: kau mmg power pon:) ape yg aku reveal nyer weyh? yg stalker tu ke? aku mmg stalker pon.semua org dh tau.haha.x cye tnye hamdan. die la mentor aku dalam kerja terkutuk ni.hehe.